바람: 생활모음집/일기 혹은 낙서장

15th july, St. Swindon's day.

걷는소녀 2012. 11. 19. 00:58












if St. Swindon's day rains 

something, something, something remains

























I'm just so better when you are around.y
















I hate today, 15th july. 

It's St.swindons's day. It's a tough one.

I never thought I would say this before, It was always there. just waiting, looking, hate you.


because, she,, lift up with you.


she made you decent. And as a return, you made her so happy.

and I will always be grateful for that.


























'바람: 생활모음집 > 일기 혹은 낙서장' 카테고리의 다른 글

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